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R.O.; size of default character (width, height) in ‘rasters’ (pixels). Some devices have no concept of pixels and so assume an arbitrary pixel size, usually 1/72 inch. Some devices have no concept of pixels and so assume an arbitrary pixel size, usually 1/72 inch. Who are we Founded in 2010, USR Systems is an IT Consulting Services company headquartered in South Plainfield, New Jersey. We are a team of young, vibrant and highly talented professionals who are focused on providing the best-in-class IT services through meaningful collaborations and partnerships. On Tuesday, July 7th I organized a breakout session Tackling Climate Change at a virtual useR!2020 Munich. When I submitted the proposal I hoped the session will be a mix of an invited talk, climate-related contributions submitted to the useR! And an open discussion between R users and researchers. Welcome the R graph gallery, a collection of charts made with the R programming language. Hundreds of charts are displayed in several sections, always with their reproducible code available. The gallery makes a focus on the tidyverse and ggplot2. Feel free to suggest a chart or report a bug; any feedback is highly welcome.

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Electroluminescent Diode: a p-n junction device which takes electrical current
and voltage and changes it directly to light. (QST, July 1974, page 62.)

Electroluminescence: the means by which LED's create light.

Shown with the parts included in the kit with the optional LED Frequency Counter, Frequency Stabilizer (mounted in the bottom back) and S-Meter. Covers the CW portion of 40, 30, 20 and 17 Meters. Can be easily modified to cover the SSB section of 40, 20 and 17 Meters. Easy to follow pictorial instructions makes it a fun build.

Designed as a blood thirsty DX machine, it appeals to the young and the young at heart. With large boards and plenty of room, it is easy to insert parts, diagnosis, and make modifications.

The LEDs show circuit function - MOSFET (13 used) circuit health, gain of the amplifiers, oscillator drive, mixer gain, switching functons, and 12V power - it is the easiest superhet receiver to diagnosis and repair ever!

The ELR, which runs with the big boys, is finding a nitch with the little ones...and the YL's, too!

Please note this reference, 'Rediscovering the Band-Imaging Receiver', by David Newkirk, W9BRD that talks all about band imaging receivers and list all that have been published.

To see past front cover pictures, go to 'Front Cover Pictures'.

LED diagnosis, large circuit boards, wide traces/pads, and step-by-step pictures make this the easiest double conversion receiver you will ever put together. For more information read


Instructions for Amateur Radio Bands
40, 30, 20, and 17 Meters

An CW/SSB receiver that covers the first 100-150 kHz of the 40 and 20 meter bands and all of the 30 and 17 meter bands. Bandwidths can be modified.

The tuning range of the VFO is expanded to 500kHz to cover most of the 41/31/19/16 Meter SWL bands. Duncan Watson and Gary Rondeau have sent in modifications they made for improved performance of their receivers. They include VFO, crystal filter, AM Detection, and AGC modifications and improvements - check them out.

Check out Circuit Details and
LED Frequency Counter Construction

Check out Circuit Details and
LED Frequency Stabilizer Construction

For Beginners and 50/60's Heathkit builders who want to build the Electroluminescent Kit

A QRP Transmitter Design for transceive operation using Superhet Receiver VFOs.

Incorporating this design with the Electroluminescent Receiver Kit.
This is for dead-bug or perforated board
builders only.

Transceiver Operation with the ELR

An updated version of the article 'The Best QRP Amp in the World - The DL-QRP-PA' recently published in the Flying Pigs BBQ Newsletter, January 2010


Eight Easy Steps!

Broadband receiver design!
Can be built for any one HF Band

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Has been used for college and university
term papers and projects in England and the US.
Easy for the beginner to build and modify.
Thirty-two Pages of Documentation!
Two NE602's
One High Tech MMIC
TDA 2002 Loudspeaker Output
Stable as a rock!
Based on circuits using the 2N5109 transistor.
I have been careful to propose a receiver that
is 'buildable' by anyone with moderate
experience in homebrewing. Done all 'dead bug' style.

LED Mosfet Receiver

Home page has several great links to LED sites.
These pages contain the history of the MOSFET
receiver, going back into the 70's.

Links to Other Sites

Learn how to solder from the 'How to' sites listed.
Ugly construction/Manhattan construction sites.
Toroid information.
The best QRP sites.
Receiver Projects and Receiver Information.

Usr R&d Driver Download

Mirror Sites

Usr R&d Driver Download Windows 10

If you are caught in a frame or on the
CD-ROM and want to check on updates,
click on one of the following sites:

Last Update: 2/4/2021
Web Author: David White, WN5Y

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